Elected Officials

In each city, we partner with at least one elected/appointed official. These leaders have a vision for how their city can improve, and fellows work alongside them to make that vision a reality. Fellows can expect to work on impactful and intensive policy initiatives that achieve real change in their communities.
Read on for information about our 2023-24 elected official partners and recent policy initiatives.
Greg Razer
Missouri State Senate
Ethan Ashley
Orleans Parish School Board
Joe Carreon
Dallas ISD Board of Trustees
Serena Gonzales-Gutierrez
Colorado House of Representatives
Jennifer Bacon
Colorado House of Representatives
Jesse Moreno
Dallas City Council
Julie Gonzales
Colorado Senate
Iman Jodeh
Colorado House of Representatives
Rep Omari Crawford
Monroe Nichols
Oklahoma House of Representatives
Meredith "Mer" Curry
Northern California College Promise Coalition
Christina Henderson
DC City Council
Brianne K. Nadeau
Council of the District of Columbia
Angela Moore
Indianapolis Pubic Schools
Will Prichard
Indianapolis Public Schools

ULF Regional Summer Reports 2020-2023
Our elected and appointed officials are still working on their policy agendas for the summer of 2020-2023. Fellows work on a range of issues from education and economic development, to budget decisions, criminal justice reform, and much more. Below you’ll find a Summer Report on each of the 10 ULF regions. Each Report gives you an opportunity to dig deeper into the Policies and Partner Organizations our Fellows worked with this summer.